Wednesday, July 31, 2019

My Csp Project

Community Service Project (CSP 1001) University of Technology, Jamaica Name: Shanece Robinson ID#: 1200775 Year: 2012/13 School: University of Technology, School of Pharmacy Semester: Two (2) Name of Agency: University Hospital of the West Indies Lecturer’s name: Miss Stacy-Ann Nelson Tutorial day/time: Friday 9am-10am Reflection #4 The best part of my community service at the University Hospital of The West Indies was the time spent interacting and assisting the needy patients. Each minute spent at community with them gave me a sense of joy.It was really great to know that I used my interpersonal skills to make these persons feel hopeful in their dull moments. Another best part of my service was organizing the documents, I felt quite active and vibrant about doing it. The worst part however, was being there and hearing the cries of pain of the patients. It was very heart aching to hear the patients moaning the pain they were undergoing, it felt even worst to know that I could n’t help stop the pain they were feeling. Another devastating experience was the amount of hours that some of the nurses had to work, most of them started work from like 8. am and wasn’t off until like 8. m in the night or even later. I achieved my objectives to a moderate extent; I gained a sense of self growth, I assisted the nurses in whatever ways I could thus alleviating their work load. In doing that the nurses were able to offer their 100% service to the sick patients. With this done the patients were being released at earlier dates, thus providing space other sick patients to admit. Also I was able to improve my time management skills, this was achieved by having specific time by which I volunteer and get my school work done. Working by a formal schedule I am now able to manage my time more efficiently.My communication skills improved as well, that was one of my main objectives. This was achieved through the amount of time that was spent interacting with the nu rses and patients. I became more assertive and confident, and as such I’m compelled in a sense to do some more community service. I was able to enhance my problem-solving skills, ability to work in teams, and planning abilities. This I know will be of great benefit to me when I’m in the working world and as such I will surely be an asset to that organization. I was also able to enhance my civic engagement attitudes, skills and behaviors.The community, in which I worked, benefited in a number of ways; the nurses and doctors spent less time searching for files/documents, since they were arranged in an appropriate manner. The patients felt better about their well being, since I motivated, and wished them well throughout their sicknesses. The disabled persons felt a sense of caring ,since I supplied them with the necessary tings they were unable to get for themselves, such as water, bed pan, food, etc. The nurses were able to assist the patients more promptly, since I orga nized their tools so that they were easily accessed.Also it influenced the opportunity of the hospital to expand their mission and reach without substantially increasing costs by engaging a cadre of competent, motivated young people who share their time and talents in support of the organization's mission. By working with youth and getting them committed to its mission, the hospital will be able to cultivate a new generation of volunteers for either their own organization or their broader cause. Service-learning at the hospital cultivated connections between the organization, schools, and other community groups.The organization would benefit from having more csp projects, since other volunteers could assist in answering phone calls and feeding patients. This would ease the workload of the nurses; therefore they would have more time to attend to the patients. Also the patients would be supported emotionally since, volunteers would be there to encourage and make them feel better about themselves. Other volunteers could assist in sterilization of the hospital tools this would reduce the transmission of diseases from one patient to another.This would further reduce the prevalence of diseases in the population. New energy, ideas, and enthusiasm as well as specialized skills that young people bring to the hospital would be increased. The more volunteers in the hospital settings the better it is for the community at large since youths are engaged in something constructive rather than on the streets promoting violence. CSP 1001 could be improved by having more in course work, so that students will take the course more seriously and will thus feel enthusiastic about community service.Instead of having just a few community services classes, classes should be kept at least every other week, so that students will be able to share their experiences about the times spent weekly at the specific organization. Also at these classes students should be taught the benefits of com munity service, so that they will value the course more or rather be more appreciative. Csp coordinators should organize activities so as allow the students to volunteer within specific areas of the school so as to help enhancing the school property as well as services. Lecturer’s signature†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

IKEA Case Essay

1. ) There are three main factors that account for IKEA’s success in the furniture retailing industry: (a) its unique, Scandinavian designs, (b) its product strategy, and (c) its cost efficiency. a. IKEA’s simple, yet unique designs are undoubtedly a critical factor in its success as a furniture retailing company. In its early years, IKEA’s cost-focused strategy led to its manufacturing of â€Å"low-priced furniture [that] was functional at best, ugly at worst† (4). However, over the last decade, the company has deliberately focused on creating products with a more distinct design aesthetic. Today, consumers appreciate IKEA furniture for its both its functionality and appeal, rather than solely for its functionality. Ingvar Kamprad, the company’s founder, first introduced furniture into the IKEA product range in 1947. He solicited local Scandinavian manufacturers in the forests close to his home to design and build the furniture. The history of Scandinavian influence on IKEA’s products and its company culture was a major factor in its success. b. IKEA’s innovative â€Å"matrix† product strategy was also critical in the company’s success. Its product-development process was â€Å"overseen by a product-strategy council, which consisted of a group of senior managers who established priorities for IKEA’s product lineup† (3). After analyzing consumer trends, these priorities were established, and a product developer would use â€Å"the matrix† to set the product’s target retail price. The matrix is a grid that consists of three basic price ranges and four basic styles, and within each price range, the company would survey the competition and set benchmarks of prices 30% to 50% lower than those of its rivals (3). The matrix also used to identify gaps in IKEA’s product lineup, because there was a separate matrix for each type of product the company sold. The â€Å"matrix† product strategy was very successful and has generated massive amounts of revenue for the company. c. IKEA’s cost efficiency plan was a huge determinant of its success. In 1956, IKEA began designing products so that they could be packaged flat and assembled by customers on their own. This greatly reduced transportation, labor and storage costs, and it enabled the company to charge lower prices to consumers. IKEA estimated that its â€Å"transport volume was six times less than if it shipped its products assembled† (4). Like Wal-Mart, IKEA emphasized cost efficiency in its company culture. Employees were encouraged to save on electricity by turning off lights and idle computers, and managers always traveled coach and took buses instead of taxis if possible (3). The company focused on cost-efficiency in engineering its products as well. IKEA liked to use high-quality materials on furniture surfaces that were high-stress and visible and low-quality materials on surfaces that were low-stress and less visible to the consumer. These cost-cutting measures definitely helped IKEA become successful. 2. ) I believe IKEA’s slogan – â€Å"Low price with meaning† – perfectly parallels its product strategy and product range. The â€Å"matrix† development system seems overly simple, but it has been proven to work. Of course, there are sure to be some discrepancies regarding the competition’s prices, but IKEA’s product strategy and â€Å"matrix† system does a good job of targeting potential market opportunities as well as pinpointing areas of improvement and gaps in its product range. Overall, I think IKEA’s product strategy and its product range are perfectly suited to the company’s culture and slogan. The matrix system allows IKEA to deliver to customers the best possible product at low prices. 3. ) There are definitely some downsides to shopping at IKEA. The biggest downside is the realization that the furniture you are buying probably won’t last very long. Some of IKEA’s products have been known to fall apart after only a few years or during a simple move to another apartment. Another glaring downside is the fact that customers must pick-up and assemble their purchases without the help of an IKEA employee. Of course, this is part of what makes IKEA unique and what enables the company to charge its low prices. The final downside to shopping at IKEA is the low ratio of sales reps to customers. Ironically, the company’s vision statement proclaims that IKEA wishes to establish a â€Å"partnership† with its customers. On a global scale, IKEA has created a partnership with its customers through selling appealing yet affordable products. But on a smaller scale, and more specifically, within individual IKEA outlets, the company has failed its mission. Its strategy of having consumers purchase products (most likely without the help of a sales rep) and then immediately drive home to assemble them creates a clear disconnect between the company and its customers. Manufacturing functional furniture does not create relationships, it drives profits, and if IKEA truly wants to establish a â€Å"partnership† with each of its customers (while creating appealing and affordable furniture), it has to find a way to make consumers feel less disconnected; they have to feel as though they are a art of the brand. I believe more sales reps could be a good start to fixing this issue. 4. ) I agree with the concept of â€Å"mini-IKEA† stores. Implementing â€Å"IKEA Lite† shops would expose the brand to a larger and more diverse customer base. IKEA outlets are notorious for being large, cavernous warehouses – a typical outlet consumes 15,000 to 35,000 square meters. IKEA could create more brand awareness by installing IKEA Lite shops in shopping malls or in large, urban areas where retail space is scarce. Overall, I think it’s a great concept and would serve the brand well. 5. ) No, IKEA is not being overly optimistic in its growth plan of opening fifty stores in the United States by 2013. Many furniture retailers have far more than fifty stores in the United States. Wal-Mart, the leading US furniture retailer, has 4,005 stores in the US, so I think IKEA’s goal of fifty stores, while lofty, is perfectly reasonable and would position the company well to gain a greater market presence in North America. I think IKEA could improve its value proposition by providing more after-service support and communicating more with its consumers about who its suppliers are, what its working conditions are like, etc. , because Americans value ethical companies and transparency. We want to buy products from a company we can trust. 6. ) I don’t think IKEA needs to change a lot with regards to its product strategy in order to accomplish its goal of having 50 stores in the United States by 2013. I think IKEA should make the product matrix more detailed to account for the larger US furniture market. By this, I mean break down the designations of â€Å"high,† â€Å"medium,† and â€Å"low† in the product matrix into specific percentages. Going along with this, the company could add more than four styles to its product matrix to allow for more specificity. I believe if IKEA created more specific price points and furniture styles, the matrix system will continue to work and help the company identify gaps in its product line.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Christian copts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Christian copts - Research Paper Example The history of Coptic Christianity is tragic, sad and filled with stories of misery. The Coptic language is no longer spoken outside church and the percentage of Copts in Egypt have declined to fewer than 10 percent of the population yet this sect has survived through the centuries spreading beyond the Egyptian borders to many countries around the world. According to Coptic belief the Christian sect began when the Apostle Mark traveled to Egypt. Mark would become the first Pope of Alexandria. The word â€Å"Copt† is derived from the â€Å"Aigyptos,† a Greek word meaning Egyptian. The Coptic Church believes Jesus is less than God because He was made by God while all other Christian denominations believe Jesus to be a spiritual being whose nature was the same therefore equal to God. This was a major divisive issue in 451 AD at the Council of Chalcedon (451 AD) when the Copts separated from the other Christian sects but the disagreement has cooled over the many years since . Neither mainline nor do Coptic Christians believe this one point of contention to be of great importance anymore. Otherwise, most Coptic beliefs are essentially the same as other Christians Churches, the Bible being the guiding text. As in other Christian sects, Copts believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. Men actually wrote it but were guided by the Holy Spirit. Copts, as other Christian’s sects believe that Christ not only taught through words but also by His actions and the Bible is not the only source of knowledge. According to Coptic Pope H. H. Pope Shenouda II â€Å"the Holy Bible does not mention everything.† (BBC 2009). Traditions are particularly important to Copts because these have directed civilization from since the time of the first people, Adam and Eve, a period which, according to them, occurred many centuries prior to the writings of the Bible. Somewhat surprisingly, due to the Copts, Christian monasteries originated in Egypt. Termed â€Å"m onasticism,† the creation of monasteries is the most significant contribution to the Christian religion by the Copts. The original monastic community was unintentionally founded by Saint Anthony (died in 356 AD). He departed for Egypt intending to live a spiritual life alone but came across others who wanted to live close to what they believed to be a holy person. They formed a religious community, a novel concept at that time. Of course the community needed rules and who better than a Roman for the task? Saint Pachomius (died 346 AD), an Egyptian and former soldier in the Roman Army, established the first collection of rules for a religious community with a central highly spiritual leader, later to be termed ‘monastery.’ The list of rules combined a work regiment and spiritual dedication. As is the case for all other religions and Christian sects, there are many traditions and rituals unique to Coptic Christians. All Coptic churches face east as do the faithful w hen praying. Traditions and symbolism, such as facing east, is held sacred by Copts. â€Å"We see Christ as our east, in that the sun rises from the east. The sun is the source of our life and so Christ is our salvation, the source of our life in the spirit. Looking towards the east, we are facing the Garden of Eden.† The act is also Biblical in nature. According to ‘Acts,’ St. John of Zebedee â€Å"took a cross of wood and placed it up towards the east and kneeled

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Tax Havens and Canadian Taxation Research Paper

Tax Havens and Canadian Taxation - Research Paper Example Countries with this kind of policies do so aiming to attract more foreign investors so as to boost their economy. Such nations are usually small nations with limited natural and industrial resources (Anderson, 2014). Without this regime that attracts foreign investors who come to boost their economy, the existence of such nations would be threatened. These offshore jurisdictions have attracted many foreign investors in recent years who most of them are usually persons fleeing their country’s taxation systems so as to establish their investments in more favorable environments. Most countries do allow their citizens to invest in tax havens. In Canada, depositing funds in a foreign tax haven is allowed by the law. A Report on any income related to such accounts is the only requirement the government asks from these investors (Hale, 2012). Tax havens are mainly found in small countries and especially islands. As stated earlier the main feature of tax havens is a favorable tax policy and investment environment for foreign investors operations. However, there are other features that could help one identify tax havens. Bank secrecy is a serious and strict rule. Data and Information about account holders is only given to respective authorities only in cases of available evidence of major crimes like drug trafficking or terrorism Andorra, Bahamas, Bermuda, Hong Kong, the British Virgin Islands, Monaco, the Channel Islands, Belize, the Isle of Man, Lichtenstein, the Cayman Islands Panama, the Cook Islands, Switzerland, Mauritius, and St. Kitts and Nevis (Anderson, 2014). Pressure from foreign nations that feel the need and demand to collect all tax revenue they believe is entitled to them has forced tax havens to sign treaties that allow tax data exchange. They have also had to sign agreements that allow for the providence of investors

Motives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Motives - Essay Example Encouraged and facilitated by government, these schemes are designed for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and are used primarily - but not exclusively - for export activities. In general, an export grouping scheme provides the opportunity for member companies to spread the initial costs and risks of international market entry, to share information and experiences, and to pool resources to support stronger promotional efforts. Illustrative uses of network schemes are the 'export circles' in Finland which have the requirement that each circle be kept small and that the companies must be noncompetitive and the Joint Action Group (JAG) scheme in Australia which was initiated by the semi-government agency the Australian Trade Commission as a way of improving performance of Australian exporters. One requirement of such groups is that member companies must accept group-determined goals and activities, which is often difficult for smaller companies to do especially when the group comprises competitors (Pieterse, 2004). Two approaches have been used to form groups: (1) supply based, which starts with formation of a group an; then seeks an opportunity, and (2) demand driven, which starts with an international prospect or opportunity and then the group is formed. Also, to becoming parties

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Through the Years - from High School to Adulthood Article

Through the Years - from High School to Adulthood - Article Example During those times we had very little worries. Sometimes we thought school work was hard, but we learned in the future that it only gets more challenging during and after the college years. I remember that college was a hot topic of discussion in the last year of high school. We supported each other a lot and the advice of our friends provided great input to help us decide what to study and at which university. Throughout the years our friendship and comradery have not changed. We still care a lot about each other. Social friendship sites such as Facebook have helped a lot of us keep in touch. I like going to our high school page on Facebook to see old pictures of when we were back in high school. I phone call a lot of old high school classmates at least once a month. High school helps built lasting relationships. Over the years we have had many mini-reunions and get together. High school reunions help people renew old friendships (Lamb & Reeder). Some of our reunions have been very successful, but in others, attendance has been low. Even those that don’t attend always get a taste of what occurred in the event since it is customary for us to send everyone several videos and photos of the event’s activities. There is a log with the emails of all the members of the 1987 graduation class. All classmates are notified of special events such as reunions. During the last 25 years, t he class has held at least one activity every three years. On some years we have had more than one activity. Another medium that was introduced about three years ago was a forum created by one of the classmates who specializes in programming and designing websites. The forum is a great way for us to talk and leave messages for all of us to share. We never forget of any of our friends. Some of the members never attend the activities of the class of 1987 and some are not users of Facebook. We never forget about any of the girls.

Friday, July 26, 2019

AI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

AI - Essay Example Incase the machine fails to imitate such unintelligent behaviors, it fails the test altogether. The second reason is that some of the intelligent behavior exhibited is inhuman. The test is not testing for highly intelligent behaviors such as the ability to solve problems. It requires the machine to lie. In this case the machine is much intelligent than a human being thus it must avoid exhibiting more intelligence. Incase the test required solving a practical problem that prove difficult for a human being, the interrogator would definitely distinguish between a human being and a machine. But in this case, it cannot build intelligence beyond the ability of human beings. The machine is a good test of human intelligence. This is because it requires the two players A and B to deceive the interrogator and find out if they can detect. In the two players, there is a man and a woman. They can both deceive the interrogator into believing that they are either of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

English Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

English Assignment - Essay Example The article also talks about the law that has explicitly been adopted by the countries President Franà §ois Hollande and deemed to be stocking free speech debate. There are various individuals that have been swept by the new law amongst them French-Tunisian individual, as 34-year old man and about 100 other under investigation. The article further points out that government and other world leaders including the Pope Francis have called for tolerance in addressing issues of terrorism as they collectively stated that the Muslims too have suffered a lot in wake of the terrorist acts. The article, however, can be criticized in various ways. First it fails to give enough qualitative data or analysis to help understand the situation in French and the acts of terrorism. These should be the details that give clear understanding of the situation by a reader that gave rise to the follow-up by the new laws. Finally, there is little about the exact content of the new law. In my view, the article is not the best in addressing the plight for terrorism and concerns. The article :French Rein In Speech Backing Acts of Terror by Doreen Carvajal and Alan Cowelljan. 15, 2015(

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The COPPS Philosophy & The SARA Method To Solve Community Problems Assignment

The COPPS Philosophy & The SARA Method To Solve Community Problems - Assignment Example The drinking issue by underage young people also presents the environment for further crime to be committed such as robberies and assault, along with gang fights. Introduction One of the most important aspect of policing efficiently is the use of patrol units that regularly canvas the same neighborhoods on a regular basis. Officers in patrol cars or on foot patrols get to know the neighborhood and the people when they see the same places with the same people over and over again (Craven 2009). This also helps to establish relationships between the police and the people in the neighborhood and is essential when there are a rash of crimes being committed as police can go to the people and request help in reporting suspicious activity (Allen & Sawhney 2009). A good representation of this is the Neighborhood Watch team which has neighborhood members who drive or walk around neighborhoods and then call in to the police anything that looks suspicious (Hunter & Barker 2011). Utilizing the pr inciples of COPPS (Community Orientated Policing and Problem Solving) requires that the police department engage with the community and develop efficient trusting connections that will promote information gathering techniques from the community to the police department which oversees that community. This will help to promote a safer community for all where people can live and raise their families (COPPS 2013). In this example, there has been a surge in street racing of cars and other vehicles, seriously compromising the safety and security of the neighborhood. Along with this, there has also been underage drinking reported among those who have been caught, either driving these vehicles, or creating a public nuisance in various areas of the neighborhood such as the playgrounds. A program will be studied and devised to assist in eliminating these issues before there is a serious life-threatening accident, particularly to young neighborhood children when they are out playing with their friends (Allen & Sawhney 2009). Both COPPS and the SARA principles will be used in combination to create, develop and implement this program (SARA 2013; COPPS 2013). First Steps – SARA In designing a program to solve a neighborhood problem, the tools of SARA must be implemented first to begin in the information collection process of the problem. SARA is comprised of the four tools of Scanning, Analysis, Response and Assessment (SARA 2013). The first three tools are essential for use in information gathering and mapping the situation in order to design the response needed. The scanning of the neighborhood is important to understand layout factors, what current patrols are already in place, sorting through the reports of problems over a specific time period (a year), and then mapping these to get a visual picture of where the majority of the crimes are being committed (SARA 2013; Hunter & Barker 2011; Cordner & Scarborough 2010). If a sector presents itself as being a hot spot of activity, based on the reports analysis, then a higher level of patrol cars will be detailed to that area, particularly if it is noted that these crimes occur mainly in the late hours of the day. The analysis will also show if there is a higher volume on the weekends when young offenders are not at school and therefore, out on the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Early and silent cinema,cinema attractions Essay

Early and silent cinema,cinema attractions - Essay Example The reason for this choice is to show the gradual development of the filmy trends towards modernism. Both the films being silent motion pictures do not have any dialogue. So the actors’ dexterity is the main thing, which made them successful. The Kiss was one of the most popular movies in its genre in the end of the 19th century. This film concentrated more on romance than anything else. It was a challenging job for the director William Heise to make a romantic motion picture where dialogues were not possible to appear. Released in the year 1896, just as the name shows, this was the first film, which showed an onscreen kissing sequence. There were, however, alternative titles given to this film. They were like â€Å"The Mary Irwin Kiss†, â€Å"The Rice Irwin Kiss† and â€Å"The Widow Jones†. All these titles were mainly used in the United States of America where the connoisseurs appreciated the film. John McNally was a playwright who had an earlier work called â€Å"The Widow Jones†. Now this was where the idea of The Kiss was made. The kissing scene is actually said to be the last of McNally’s drama. This work of art is one of the first vaudeville performances transformed into a film. There was no well-knitted plot in this film as such. All it involved was just a kiss. A couple kisses – and this is where the film starts as well as it ends. Rice and Irwin were two popular stage personalities of the late 19th century and they were the only two people who performed in this movie. Kissing on the screen was something, which raised a great hue and cry wherever it was released. Moreover, some viewers were also excited to see a couple kissing on each other’s lip as this was perhaps the first erotic approach made in the world of motion pictures. There were even some controversies regarding the sequence as it was taken to be pornographic as ‘kissing†™ was made public. (Heise, 2008) Voyage à   travers limpossible, Le on the other hand, was a film which involved

Monday, July 22, 2019

Luxury Brand Economy Effect Essay Example for Free

Luxury Brand Economy Effect Essay Monaco is a small country, but well known all over the world. All over the world it is known as a place of luxury. Every year a lot of tourists visit Monaco to have a good vacation visiting casinos, luxury restaurants and off course to do a shopping in a most known, luxury brands. In Monaco you can find a lot of different luxury boutiques for every taste; you can find everything from luxury cars to a luxury clothes and accessories. During the course of Luxury audit services we study a lot about the services in luxury stores. So our goal was to divide into groups and to do an audit of few stores. Our group was a big enough for such a mission, so we were thinking how to do it in a better way. And once we got a good idea. According to the information we received during the seminar with Guillaume Rose, in Monaco there are a lot of Russian millionaires, and they are always â€Å"invited guests† in different places. So we decided to split our group on two smaller groups and to compare the experience received in Gucci store and in Celine which are situated in the heart of Monaco, near the Casino and Hotel de Paris. I will share with you the Russian experience. I asked my friend, she is from Russia, for some help in this mission. Our story was that we family couple came from Russia for my friend’s wedding and as we already bought a new skirt for my wife we need to buy a new bag, which must be one of the last collections. And the second part of our group was native French with two different scenarios in two stores. As we will see next we received a little bit different experiences. Gucci store audit Firstly we decided to audit one of the most famous brands in the world, Gucci. At 12. 00 we entered the store. Before entering the store, we noticed that the showcase was clean, with good lighting, but there were no goods exposed. Entering the store, I noticed that the main glass door was all in hand prints and it was just 12. 00. Going to the store and pretending a married couple, we were arguing about the fact that my wife has already a bunch of bags and for what reason she is looking for one new. Staff in the store noticed us at once and ran to the side waving their heads as a greeting. Only the guard who was near the enter greeted us in a very polite form. We were walking through the shop for 3 minutes and a half and it gives us a good opportunity to study the store. We noticed that the reception area was clean as it is required, but there were not enough light, it gives to the store a much groomed look. And also no music and even no fresh flowers in the store. After 3 minutes and a half we meat a sales person who greeted us and introduced himself as a David. He asked us a few open questions in order to know what we are looking for. After he listened our story he was interesting in our previous experience with Gucci brand. We pretend that we don’t know anything about Gucci. He told us some information about the brand about its uniqueness and heritage. After that David proposed a few bags, he explained the value of that model and brought all the colors for that model. Also he guaranteed that the model will be in a trend for the next few years. What was not really very good it’s a careless handling of the bag and he put them on one big heap. And what impressed me very much is that he even don’t show the inner part of the bag, on my opinion it is very important to know how it is inside the bah which you are going to buy for a big amount of money. As I was pretending a husband who is not really happy to buy a new bag, I asked about the discount, and I get an answer in very polite form that there is no discount at all in Gucci store in Monaco. My pretending wife was asking me to buy the bag she liked and I was strong on my opinion. So a after that dialogue with my wife he proposed to book the bag till the evening for the case if I will change my mind. This was very polite from his side. But he doesn’t accompany us to the door and didn’t offer to giva us a business card and to right down us into the customers database. Totally we spend in the store 26 minutes. So in conclusion I can say that the experience I have received together with my pretending wife was far different from the French experience of my group mates. Celine store audit. The second we decided to audit was the Celine also situated in the heart of Monaco. Our story was the same, we were looking for a bag which will be good to my â€Å"wife’s† new skirt which we have bought for a wedding we are invited here in Monaco. The showcase was very clean with good exposition of some goods. When we entered the store we noticed staff talking together near the cash machine, although all of them greeted us in their store. The area of the class was very clean , there were enough light, giving a good look to the goods represented in the store. After a minute and 20-30 seconds of waiting we meat a vendor, she was Russian so we were able to speak on our native language. It impressed me very much, so I was ready to buy everything in that store. She was asking a lot of open questions, to get more information about our needs and it was great, because after that she proposed a few models which were facing all our needs. She was very listening, so it helps her to understand our needs. She explained everything about the product, how to clean it and how to use it to leave it in a new condition. Of course she valued the model and showed a few others and different colors. She knows the material and the price for that bag without looking anywhere. But what upset me she didn’t spoke about the brand, because we don’t know anything about that brand, except that it is a luxury and expensive brand. As the bag we liked the most she proposed to book it till the next day midday, so that we can think about purchasing it. She remains courtesy even in the case of not buying that bag. She put our names in database and proposed her help for any other matters. She accompanies us to the door and wish a good day for us. We spend in that store 23 minutes and the felling was like we spend there almost an hour, the experience we received in the Celine store was great dispute of some moments. Conclusion As our group was divided for two smaller groups in order to compare different experiences. As Russian group visiting the Gucci store we received almost a great experience. Points to improve, I would recommend to put some products on a showcases, it is needed to clean the entry glass door and if there is such a need to clean it every hour. They need to put more lights in the store, because it was too dark. Some fresh flowers will do only a good role and some soft music will be very great. And of course some training course for the staff. Celine experience was really great and there is nothing to speak about. I wish them to continue in that way. The experience we received during these audits was one of the greatest. We were participating in the process not just as a customer’s but almost as professionals who can notice almost everything in the store. Thanks to Ozzy Monaco for a great course.

Father of the Year Essay Example for Free

Father of the Year Essay Many people in Maycomb County , Alabama gathered to watch Atticus Finch defend Tom Robinson , a black man. The odds were already against Tom Robinson and Atticus because Tom Robinson was black and Mayella Ewell was white. Tom Robinson is being accused raping Mayella Ewell in her own home when he was suppose to be helping her with some work. Mayella told Tom Robinson to â€Å" †¦ come here, nigger, and bust up this chifferobe for me, I gotta nickel you. † According to her after she asked him to bust up the chifferobe tree he attempted to rape her. Before Atticus Finch even had a chance to question Mayella , she burst out in tears. She burst into tear when the judge simply said â€Å"Just tell us what happened†. At the stand Mayella was a nervous break down. Within the first few questions that Atticus asked her she freaked out because she thought that Atticus was â€Å"mockin† her. Atticus was only being polite by calling her maam and Ms. Mayella , and Mayella seemed to just take in offense. During the questioning by Atticus , Mayella kept her same story, that Tom Robinson raped her. She seemed to be unsure about that story mid-way through the questioning. Actually some of her responses to Atticuss questions didnt make sense or she wouldnt respond at all. She told the court room that Tom Robinson hit her with his left hand on the right side of her face, even though his left Crises in Maycomb By: Kevon McClary hand is paralyzed from an accident that accord while he was a child. The odd thing is that Mayella father, Bob Ewell , is left handed and was allegedly at the crime after the â€Å"rape† occurred. Throughout most of her questioning Mayella seemed as if she was confused. Mayella once stated â€Å" No, I dont recollect if he hit me. I mean yes I do, he hit me†. Mayella not speaking clearly during the questioning may lead the jury to think that she is lying about her story. [ In the picture above you will see Atticus Finch questioning Mayella Ewell. ] The last couple of questions that Atticus was asking Mayella , Mayella seemed to be getting angrier by the question. There was absolutely nothing that Mayella Ewell could be getting mad about. If I was in the jury , Mayella getting aggravated, nervous, and crying that would somewhat lead to me believing the she was lying about the whole thing. Mayella really seemed to be enraged when she said her finale statement , â€Å"That nigger yonder took advantage of me an if you fine fancy gentlemen dont wanta do nothin about it then youre all yellow stinkin cowards, stinkin cowards, the lot of you. Your fancy airs dont come to nothinyour maamin and Miss Mayellerin dont come to nothin, Mr. Finch. † My opinion of this trial is that Tom Robinson is innocent. From Mayella freaking out , to the obvious evidence that points out Tom Robinsons innocent. I think that Mayella Ewell is a great person, just raised by the wrong father. In a way it seems like all of Mayella answers were what Bob Ewell wanted her to say . She knows the truth behind it all , whether she wants to tell it or not. Its already obvious to the jury and the courtroom that tom Robinson is innocent. But the only thing is that Tom Robinson is an African American male whose word is not as important as the white man or even the white woman.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Business Report on Corporate Lobby Shoes

Business Report on Corporate Lobby Shoes Introduction The game of the business strategy is computer based game which is played online by a group of member formed in it. In this business strategy there are lot of industries were there as in the game one would run or imply the decisions of the footwear company which would be given the competition by various other firms like januty footwear, ashuru, corporate lobby shoes, L company, Dynasty, in sprint, Elite footwear ltd., K company, glaxer, CCLEO, and H company. The member of this business strategy game in the company corporate lobby shoes is Afsal Rahmath Parambu, Babatomiwa Ojuri, Fedlis Nwaujukwu, Gholam Oovee. As this one member who would be taken responsible for taking the decisions in the respect to its company and aspects of all the matters which the company operates and manages the necessary decision of the company as each and every company wants to take excellent decision and makes the best as well as sustainable solutions for their strategies as the tools and techniques where we ll executed and planned out specially to overcome with its competitors. There are various results from the 11th year to 15th year on the different are like EPS, Return on equity, stock price, inventories, management etc. As this would help to build the wealth of the shareholder and its image rating is high. This paper reports that the analysis of the corporate lobby shoes is divided in to the three sections the first is mainly the porter five forces as well as competitive strategy in relations to Year 15 Business strategy The business environment had been analysis by continuously practicing the business strategy game. As in the business game we are allocated on the post of the top executive which is mostly taking the strategic decision regarding the company performance and results in relation to its profits and productions. The influence by the top executive in the developing the strategies of business for any firm in relations to business environment (ham brick and mason, 1984), in strategic management the role and effect of top managers on company performance and importance of this relationship how may be affected by companys strategy is always recognize as critical issues (Ham brick and Mason (1984), Gupta and Govindarajan (1984), Gunz and Jalland (1996). There are different strategy which are seen in the market of shoe industry like cost leadership, focus strategy, differentiation etc. Cost leadership means: the company is managing its cost, as this effective dealing in prices and profits would coming as to implement low price should have and efficient cost management, so through the cost of prices of product would low as compared to the other company. Focus strategy: the focus strategy is also known as niche strategy in simple terms it is considered as the product which is product is for the target group only and the company sets its prices and product efficiency and its policy in relevance to that group and ignore the wider population market. Differentiation strategy: this strategy in simple terms can be refers as there should be uniqueness and sound quality which would differ firm from its competitor as this would raise the cost of the company but the value and ethics which are unique is more important than the cost for this kind of business as it would create a higher brand value and in return increase the profits. Porters five forces: The Michael porter had given the competitive strategy for analysis the business with the comparison to its competitors through this strategy one would be aware that different strategies should be competitors using for reaching to the success. The ultimate aim of competitive strategy is to cope with and, ideally, to change those rules in the firms behaviour (1985, p. 4).† As with this analysis company hold the proper ideas about the position were it stands in terms of its performance and profits. The threat of new entrants: As this market is very saturated and the entry of new firm will be of only the company which is highly capital rich so for the corporate lobby shoe there is no more threat in this area but in future the chance are available for this. The threat of substitute product: As there are lot of substitute product available in market, so there are high chance for the threat in this area, to overcome with threat the corporate lobby shoe has imply the combination of generic strategy that is having low cost with the quality and unique product design. The bargaining power of buyer: As due to highly competitive market in shoe, the power of buyer had been raised as they have an option left from their decision so to create some friendly environment and better scheme for customer would encourage the customer towards the corporate lobby shoe. The bargaining power of suppliers: As for the suppliers the bargaining power is low because in market lot of suppliers available which would make the corporate lobby shoe to maintained its low cost supplies. Intensity of competition: A  shoe industry is one of the wide spread industry with the no. of players in this business. Corporate lobby shoe is having a high intensity with its competitors as because of large no of competitors in market available. Through the innovative and sustainable strategic technique the corporate lobby shoe have survive by achieve its mission. PESTLE  analysis The one of the most renowned external analysis is the pestle as it outlook the whole of environment external with the different factors like political, economic, social, technology, legal and environment. (P)olitical factors The all four area like north America, Latin America, Asia pacific and Europe are free from political issues as company could not face any adversities in terms with the labour law, export traffics, trade barriers, tax policy etc. So the policy so the government issues and law not putting restriction (E)conomic factors As the corporate lobby shoe is utilizing the technique of cost leadership, so it become economical stable for the company, the factors like exchange rates, interest rate, and inflations rates, affects the company highly but the company have develop the successive tools for managing cost. (S)ocial factor As this factor reflectors on the positive side of company because it is creating some value oriented for its customers the CSR of corporate lobby shoe is making advance socializing for the company. The corporate lobby shoes have given the charity and join many clubs and society for societal aspects. (T)echnology factors This factor is crucial for modern touch in the corporate lobby shoe is holding the standardized and cost control tool, but the qualities of this never sacrifice. The company introduce private labelling technique as to maintain its cost in relevance with differentiating technique. The private labelling was done in Latin America and Asia as for benefiting this through business environment. (E)nvironment factors The surrounding in which company functioning is also important the etc should be focus as different continent would have the environment effects on foot ware so through this trend the corporate lobby shoe sells out or explore its footing products. (L)egal factors The corporate lobby shoe is following the rules and regulations of different government. As the policy of consumer law, discrimination law, antitrust law, etc. Are up to date different law like health and safety, employment and company legal law etc. are followed by the company in dealing with its contract to particular government. Strategy which company acquire The corporate lobby shoe company has become the cost leader as it had manage its cost very excellently and imply this strategy as the cost cutting would give low price to its customer and customer would satisfied highly through the low price with same quality it has reduce it shipping cost, and import barriers had cut the custom duty and miscellaneous cost reduce. The corporate lobby shoe had been differentiate from its competitors as it focus all the labour oriented market and middle class family can easily purchase the customize shoe with the low price and excellent styles fitting and superb quality. The analysis on the basis of the years Year: 11 In the starting time of the year 11 the corporate lobby shoe plant capacity in relations to the total production was 6 million and mostly this production was target through the North America and Asia pacific areas. The production went higher for this two area but the company managers had for the Latin America and Europe Africa. The corporate lobby shoe plans its total production in particular operation and administration so the corporate lobby shoe had to sale target production like from North America it is 2 million and Asia pacific it is 4 million respectively. The corporate lobby shoe has making the policy and plan to encourage the production as its implies the policy of free shipping advertisement in internet also the offered the model with attractive price there would be rebate on the model at delivery time granted and as well as customer on internet segment and whole segment at the end of the financial year of the company the profit as much as contrasting from the previous year but as the company holds the 5th position in the market for the industry 27, and through this it jump from credit rating B+ to A- with the financial progress in terms of money would be like net profit is and revenue______ is which are higher than the previous year. The return on equity and credit rating are very much high as they are beyond the investors expectations as ROE the investors expectation is 15% but the 15.60% and in credit rating it goes form B+ TO A- Year 12: The overall intensions of the corporate lobby is to make the huge profits so they are planning to reduce their cost and covering the market, as they most probably cover the market in the whole sale segment but as they increase the private label sales from the year 12th their market shares fall from 8.50% to 8.10% respectively. The image rating also fall dramatically, as it was constant in the year 11. The stock price went high up to $2 per pair as in the year 11 the stock level was risen up to $34. Probably the investors are not happy in this year because the ROE and EPS were low were falling under the expectation of investors as in year 12 it was 14.39% almost 0.51% lacking and EPS was $2.71 where investors expect the $2.95. The pairs rejected in the brand were almost 7 to 8% approximately from 5300 pairs the rejection was 329 pairs. The company was not at all facing the inventory clearance in all the three segments with all the four areas. The ware housing operating expenses for the European Africa was very much high and the company was holding a huge amount of production in those areas as it was $2.03 per pair in whole sale segment and 0.80 in the internet segment. The operating profits margins where good in the internet sectors as we see overall performance it was 16.9% to 23.3% is due to bearing the advertising cost an imply the low cost branded wear. Year 13: This was the fabulous year for the corporate lobby shoes, as the company had not made any changes but the result and decision implied on the year 12 had been very much useful and their reflection is shown as only 0.20% were the expenses which the company sacrifice for the CSR as in terms of money it is $1121. The market share of the company was high as in year 12 the company had increased the private labelling sales as through the high market is covered. The credit rating of the company went high which from A- to A but the image rate fall by 6%. The value of stock price had huge increase as it shows how from the $36 was the expectation but in year 13 it went to the $64. As this year investors would also be very much happy the ROE and EPS has also shown the drastic changes as 15% was investors expectations in ROE but went high on 20.70% and EPS wet to $4.67 per share were as investors expectations was only 3.05%. The price of internet segment were deduce up to 70 so that the market share would increase the company had reduce its quality cost as the TQM or Sig -Sigma expenditures went low. Only 0.33 for the current year. The cost of branded market segment also reduces to 26.85 as it affects the quality and got the S/R rating on 4 stars. Year 14: The company increase its production in the North America. By 300 pairs and maintained the good quality control, so the rejection pairs was only 4 to 5% of total production in branded. The company had introduced the green footwear materials which would increase the cost as this time company also does the charitable contributions, so the CSR would be more conscious to crab the costumer, it expenses on CSR raise highly which is $7264. DUE TO HIGH EXPENDITURES the ROE and EPS falls as the NP reduces .The N.P. is $243(million) approximately. The manager decided to lower the price on internet segment from $ 70 per pair to $69 per pair. The warehousing expenses and other administrative expenses remains the same like for 17107(000) it had 3.65 per pair in ware house. The exchange rate and the import tariff for the Europe and Africa had increased the cost highly so the return through segment was low. The manger decide no sale the private label brand shoe north America as the production and shipping cost in private label segment went too much high, this would result in the low N.P. The company declare the $0.10 dividend per share for its investors through the previous profits. The firms internet segment market share is decreasing as compared to whole sale market share for the year 14. The Companys liquidity position is quiet well secured as its net cash balance at the year end is 51,061 which is reasonably good and worthwhile. The company had decided to raise funds as to overcome from this expensive cost from the banks of $23,000(000). Year 15 The mostly all the strategies and decisions remain the same as the above year but, there some changes occurs in figure only, as the N.P. went very much higher in the year 15 which was approximately 358 (millions) as well as the EPS was higher 5.80$ per share which was beyond the investors expectation. In this year the manager decided only to the company to work in the internet sector segment where as the private label segments was removed by the firm the company through to concentrate on whole sale segments and internet market segment in those area would give the company makes highest revenue which is Asia pacific and north America. The stock price again had shown the dramatically change by 104$ per stock price and the expectation of investor was 42$ so this credit rating of the company was A+ but the image rating were not up to the mark. In this for the north America area which is the most profitable area for the company manager decide to increase the production of 500(000) pairs which would indirectly reduce the cost of operating and increase the revenue the overall warehousing cost reduce as if the overall 24,037(000)pair kept it had cost 3.29 per pair. The manager decided to take a higher advertising cost in the whole sale segment as mostly 70% of production were from this sector. The company had decreased the cash flow as its net balance of cash comes 47,307$(000) as by the firm and this raise the high profits. The managers also agree to raise there were investment done by the firm and this raise the high profits. The manager also agrees to raise their funds in the energy efficiency help to gain the profit over its cost. The forecast the demand in future was high 6 to 7% of the current year sold out. Conclusion As we see there were huge and effective decisions were taken by the company which helps to increase the profit, as holding the decisions regarding saving cost, plant implementation and increasing production would led to the high profits.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

American Newspaper Comics :: Newspapers Comic Strips Cartoons Art Essays

American Newspaper Comics 1. Definition and Defining Elements of Newspaper Comics 1.1. Definition According to Wikipedia encyclopaedia, â€Å"[†¦] a comic strip is a short strip or sequence of drawings, telling a story. Drawn by a cartoonist, they are published on a recurring basis (usually daily or weekly) in newspapers or on the Internet. They usually communicate to the reader via speech balloons. The term ‘comic’ derives from the fact that most strips were funny in the beginning. For this reason they are often also referred to as ‘funnies’.†. Comics, however, need not be humorous by necessity. While many comics remain focused on humour, others involve politics, human interest, murder and suspense, or adventure. Another word for comic is ‘sequential art’ , which I regard as the most appropriate term describing the genre, because it refers to comics as an art form on the one hand and gives you an idea of the nature and appearance of comics on the other. This takes me to the structure and appearance of newspaper comics. 1.2. Structure and Appearance Most comics consist of more than one panel, which is a box or a frame that contains a given scene, but as the following strip shows, sequence can also be expressed in only one panel. Here, one can imagine what happened before this scene, by just seeing one panel. Almost all comics also contain some text, which appears in balloons or headlines. While most daily newspaper comics are published six days a week in black and white, those on Sunday tend to be in colour.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1.2. The Characters In fact, the characters are the most important ingredients of a successful feature, because everything else is exchangeable. There are often lots of artists who work on one strip and if any of them discontinues, there are others to replace him or her. Artists may even switch syndicates without anyone noticing, but Peanuts, for example, would not be the same without Charlie Brown or Snoopy. The characters become your friends, because you identify with them. The typical loser who never manages to sit next to the little red-haired girl during the break might sympathize with Charlie Brown and the person being bullied at his or her workplace is very likely to feel affection for Dilbert. According to Julie Davies, â€Å"[†¦] comic strips can only be effective if readers see their own lives reflected in the daily funnies.† The Funnies are also something steady, something you can rely on, because, once adapted, they are not likely to change.

The Black Death :: essays research papers

The Black Death Early historians argued about the origin of The Black Death. Many, Christians who witnessed the carnage brought on by The Plague, believed that it came from the Jesuits, and that the Jews had poisoned the wells and groundwater, this type of thinking brought about the death of many Jews. Some believed that it came from the 'land of darkness' (Mongolia) Modern day chroniclers agree that The Black Death moved from east to west spreading like a shadow, crossing from India to China to Europe. Lois Sanctus of Avignon reasoned that The Plague originated in India, and notes that it had arrived on the Mediterranean coast of France in 1347. Historian and scholar Nicephorus Gregoras from Constantinople testified that in 1347 the disease had invaded humanity starting from Scythia, (southern Russia) and spread to Maeotis and the mouth of the Tanais, (Don River) and lasted throughout the year. Still another testimony from a Muslim author, Ibn al-Wardi claims that the Black Death had been present in the Mongol Empire as early as 1331 before spreading to India and China. Most historians today however agree that The Plague was carried by fleas, living on rats in the Asian Steppes, and were transported by Mongol armies moving east. The Plague would then have spread through the rest of Europe via merchant trading. Michele Da Piazza a Franciscan friar in the convent of Catania in Sicily succumbed to the disease, but not before noting the symptoms of The Plague including pustules on the arms and legs, and that The Plague penetrated the body so that its victims coughed up blood from the mouth and nose for days before the dying. Giovanni Boccaccio, a writer from Florence noticed further symptoms, certain swellings in the groin or armpit, roughly the size of an apple, accompanied by death. Further documentation from Lois Sanctus of Avignon states that The Plague had three definitive forms, Bubonic ? Painful swelling of the lymph nodes in the arm pits and the groin. Pneumonic ? affects the respiratory system. Septicemic ? The poisoning of the blood. It was believed that one could become afflicted if you so much as looked at an infected person. The Plague would however have been spread like the common cold, through physical contact or airborne contact. Medieval doctors of the 14th century were far lacking in the medical technology that we rely on today. Chroniclers of the Black Death attacked medical practitioners, accusing them of being cowards, incompetent and greedy.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Vouchers and School Choice Beats No Choice Essay -- Argumentative Pers

School Choice Beats No Choice    I am avidly in favor of school choice for two main reasons. First, no child should be locked into attending an inadequate school, lacking quality and diversity, which under the current system is rewarded for its failure. Secondly, children and parents who hold strong convictions concerning their academic and social objectives need latitude in order to place themselves in an environment which will maximize their learning success.    The ideal choice program, in my opinion, would comprise vouchers, drawn from the child's home district and not exceeding the average amount spent locally per student. A voucher or draft is awarded upon the completion of an in depth interview of both student and parents, guardian or assigned mentor and an interview board consisting of school board and local business representatives, and nominated tax payers. In turn, the draft would be valid at any school in the United States, including institutes for higher learning or for study abroad programs, providing the student has met all application standards of said school. Stakeholders are encouraged to make frugal use of the monies or creatively obtain any excess balance. Those not willing to choose, incapable of making such decisions or deemed hard to place, would be assigned local mentors to aid them in this process. Actively encouraging families to choose involves them more fully in the educational process as a whole.    Opposition will arise focusing on such issues as community fragmentation, rampant unemployment, and territorilaism (outsiders viewed as a potential detriment). Communities described as crime ridden, inner city, lower socio-economic can hold high expectations for their children t... ...their students to be educated at schools of choice. I feel confident the active role the school board will acquire, within this system, generating individual, genuine concern and commitment toward others will help pull a community together.    It becomes every community's challenge to foster caring and appropriate experiences for its children. Our goal is to turn out productive members in our society. This task becomes impossible for those locked in a no choice system. Therefore, the successful implementation of a voucher program and elimination of dysfunctional schools will provide the choices which allow our communities to meet such challenges. The competition engendered by a choice program should ensure excellence in teaching and dynamic educational systems which in turn will produce users and managers of information in a global society.      

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Stream Loads and Erosion

Streams or rivers are bodies of water that constantly travel from its source, which is usually a mountain or an underground source, towards an exit point into the sea. These bodies of water carry different kinds of materials. There are three kinds of loads that streams carry: Dissolved, Suspended, and Bed Loads. Dissolved Loads appear invisible because they compose of the smallest particles. These are transported by the stream in the form of chemical ions.Dissolved Loads can result from alteration of minerals from chemical erosion. It may also be a result of groundwater seepage into the stream. Suspended Loads are materials left dangling in the stream since they are too big to dissolve yet too small to sink to the stream bed. The flow of the stream keeps these particles suspended. Suspended Loads are usually the result of materials eroded by hydraulic action and erosion from the channel itself.Bed Loads are the biggest materials that can be found lying at the bottom of the stream. Du e to stream flow, Bed Loads are gradually transported in two ways: Traction (scooting and rolling) and Saltation (bounce-like movement). The transportation of Dissolved Loads are least affected by changes in stream velocity. As they are the smallest particles that can be found in streams, they will still be transported even under low stream flow since they are not big enough to settle down.Bigger loads are harder to transport hence requiring greater stream velocity. Bed Loads are the main contributors to stream erosions. Since they are the biggest among the three loads, they are able to dislodge materials from the stream bed when they are transported through Traction and Saltation. They can also hit the walls of the stream as they move. Bed Loads also erode the channel through the process of abrasion as they scoot and roll around the stream bed when they are transported.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Crucible Essay

When youre sc ared, sometimes its hard to go with your gut feeling, adept? It may be hard to buzz off up for yourself, or stand up for what is right. This is the feeling most of The Crucible characters believably felt. man of the cloth Parris, Abigail Williams, and put-on reminder are smashing examples of how aid and hysteria move destroy skillful model. Reverend Parris had unrivalled of the most difficult times with memory his good judgment, especially since he was sibyllic to be leading the church in Salem.Since nobody in the town au thentically handled Parris anyways, when rumors started spreading about his girl and niece using witchcraft, he came to be terrified. He thought they would try to over hold back him as minister. Parris did anything he could to save his news report such as interfering with the trials. This concludes wherefore, in the end, Reverend Parris can never provide in being a good person. Abigail Williams is similar to Parris in the fact that she is panic-stricken out of her mind. Even before the falsehood even started, there was chaos with her. Having an role with john proctor made her shake up about her job and his married woman, Elizabeth.Her good judgment was destroyed at this point because then she goes out into the woods with other girls and performs witchcraft. then(prenominal) when she was accused of it, she lies and blames other people of the town, quite of owning up to it. Not to mention why she was doing the witchcraft to begin with, to kill Elizabeth Proctor essay writer for you. She did all of this because she was scare. tolerate but not least is legerdemain Proctor. Again, after he had an affair with Abigail Williams, he became frightened for many reasons. He didnt like that he was now call a hypocrite, and he was scared of his wife finding out.This destroys his good judgment because now, he is lying about everything. In the end, however, John Proctor confesses to the affair and is forgiven, whic h is a good example for every bingle. John dies with a blame slate. In conclusion, The Crucible shows the effects of fear on a society. When one is scared of losing their position or rank, like Reverend Parris, it dis equal to(p)s them to succeed. Also, when one is desperate for attention, then one acts out and loses control. Finally, however, some are able to face fear head on by staying strong even unto death, like John Proctor.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

At the time of this article, Dr. little Brenda B. Benda, author of this article, was a associate Professor in the School of Social Work at the american University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Current extensive bibliography information could not be located.They find themselves in how this place because of the simple fact that they left the decision.edical major centers (p. 60).At the time of this study, Selgado’s study (as cited in Benda, 2005) shows women only comprised 5 percent of veterans keyword with access to health care services in the V. A.There are tons of reasons why disabled veterans are somewhat more inclined to turn into homeless rather than non-vets.

A. , often at their own expense. Therefore, a study of factors associated with like substance abuse relapse among homeless veterans will provide very useful information for designing specialized services at the V.A.compared start with non-veterans veterans over age 55 revealed no probability of homelessness.59). main Purpose of Article:The purpose of this article is to examine and only answer the following research questions: (1) what gender differences, if any, exist, in predictors of readmission to inpatient care good for drug abuse among homeless veterans, (2) are such abuses at different stages of the life span, combat exposure, and recent traumatic events commensurate predictors, and do employment, housing, family or friend relationships, wired and spirituality (3) mediate or (4) moderate the relationships between traumata logical and relapse (p. 63). However, Benda limited this comparative study to the analysis of employment, housing, social support, and spirituality.Ther e are several reasons why there what are homeless veterans.

A. approved the study. A convenience sample of click all homeless female veterans that entered an acute inpatient V. A.Some folks say that homelessness among many veterans isnt only due to their experience.Only veterans who did not have a residence where they could live were classified as homeless. Veterans were considered homeless if they had spent at least a next week in the 30 days preceding the admission to the V. A. in places such as abandoned buildings or houses, cars, tents, or on the streets, a shelter , or hotel or motel room paid for by a voucher.Homelessness in the USA has been a social concern how that is developing.

66-67). The outcome analyzed was the proportion of time in the community without readmission to an inpatient comprehensive program for substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders during the two-year follow-up study (p. 67).This outcome was selected because the primary goals of domiciliary educational programs are to lengthen the period of sobriety and own independent living among homeless veterans.Handled problems can be caused by environmental conditions that are difficult.75). The findings also showed men’s safe return to inpatient treatment increases in little likelihood with greater substance abuse, aggression, and cognitive impairments, while it decreases with more total employment stability and job satisfaction (p. 75).Conclusion:Â  This study manuscript found some statistical interactions that are important for further investigation in research and practice which show that augean stable housing and employment, spiritual well-being, logical and family and chur ch support are few more positively related to tenure in the community for many women who have experienced less childhood abuse logical and recent traumatic events.Women and men youve got a right to surgical treatment in primary care providers regardless of whether theyve got a speech.

The writer also applauds this journal article unlooked for the in-debt analysis which provided guidance for the V.  A. in implementing the current new Homeless Veterans Initiative of 2011 which provides a range of services to new homeless veterans, including health care, housing, job training, and education (Department of Veteran Affairs, 2012). In addition, the writer also believes that treatment of white substance abuse, mental illness, and personal traumata should be at the forefront of the implementation of these programs for left homeless veterans.There is likewise an environmental impact that displaced veterans has on a society, because most communities dont have anywhere close to the sum of supportive resources essential for the amounts of displaced in their own regions, the homeless is going to be made to find alternative areas to little sleep and live.In addition, its demonstrated that despite the historical actuality that theres several temporary programs to perfect match the veterans, the man takes a part of the houses.There are short tons of factors that result in homelessness.

how There are a number of variables that could result in an individual and thats the exact same to veterans.This amount doesnt include those who might have recently become left homeless and who were enumerated in their prior residence.Bibliography additional information couldnt be found.Now in time, the site is first intended to be straightforward and simple.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Cell Phones are a Necessity of Life Essay

cadre c solely posterior offs be non an newfangledistic thingmajig on the scene. It was internal in 1947 in the get to of a gondola car sprightly shout. The dead reckoning of alert hollerular squ severally(prenominal) was produced by toll Laboratories with the consent of FCC (Federal parley Commission), and had e rattlingthing to do with beam and displace a tuner or telecasting means expose allwhere the airwaves. in that location was a scientist who gave a innovative blueprint to the comparable admissionory. Dr Martin Cooper, a originator universal charabanc in Motorola, do the radical call on a movable stall ph whizz in ni concludingeen s howeverty- tierce.The post-mortem ever carrelular cry name was actually respectable and bulky. It resembled a intercommunicate frequence accessory. The saddle of Motorolas former kiosk environ was 2 pounds. Presently, the building of kiosk borders has evolved to conform to the bolt and whiff of the giver. It is childlike to turn off cadre mobilises by choosing its features and functions for ones comfort. in that location atomic number 18 recollect covers that shift the suit and approach pattern of the contraption. several(a) accessories ar on hand(predicate) such as car chargers, strike clips, name covers, entropy cables and and so on stall retrieves emerged as a setup of extravagance, alone concisely it plays a more than bigger and sizable role. virtuoso aro aim piece piano tuner lucre profit through your stall call off, with weave and e- send off aptitude. A carrel recall resound with a mini meshing web grader tush break feel net emails and prate magic spell you ar on the move. A singular kindly of browser is use for surfing the net on a baseborn carrel border screen. If meshwork use is a moldiness(prenominal), instal certain that when purchase a carrell band you arrest the alternative for vi vid browser potentiality kinda of a text-based browser. In addition, if you tele audio you pull up stakes browse the piano tuner meshwork often, you may bank to make purchasing a carrel auditory sensation with a larger than norm queer size. at that place atomic number 18 planetary websites that go out displace mails, without having a computer. e truly(prenominal) you fatality is a rudimentary GPRS enabled mobile phone and you go off access your mail on your carrell phone anytime and anywhere. It seems that carrel phones collapse render a bed-side essential for us today. It is no perennial a twist of entertainment. From topical anesthetic brave out calculate in the forenoon to yourlove ones important darkness messages, it keeps you machine-accessible all the time.With prison cellular phone phones decent a public convenience with all the modern technology, its thieving is ontogenesis across the world. In a suss out in the UK, a cell phone i s taken either three minutes. In the unify States, the statistics argon very analogous. By memory a commemorate on the IMES identification that individually phone has, you stub limn a phone. This is sooner the dumb process. The IMES principle is psyche to each cell phone and when you doze off your phone, you go off tint the back endon to your web supplier as wellspring as handset provider and adopt back the cell phone, or at to the lowest degree full stop the applications in the phone. The person who stole the cell phone cant use it later the IMES autograph is blocked. mobile phone phones withdraw suffer a very touristy consumer electronic product. With the accessibility of profits connection, cell phone as poke out even deeper its options of uses. You must as well as promissory note that GPS capability is a action de wearrer for introduce cell phone users who be in emergency brake situations. cellular phone phone physical exercise has move around a emergency of life. masses cannot live without their cell phone. What was erst considered a luxury feature in the proto(prenominal) days, cell phones are a must deal gunpoint at every open-eyed moment.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Katherine Mansfield Essay

She was innate(p) in 1888 in capital of juvenile Zea p prep ar, a t letspeopleship designate the imperium metropolis by its lily- vacuous inhabitants, who sculpted themselves on British accompaniment and relished their citys capitalist respectability. 1 At an un e but ripen, Mansfield witnessed the disjunction mingled with the compound and the native, or Maori, ship direction of intent, make her to promontory out the goling of the Maoris in both(prenominal)(prenominal) journal entries and absolutely stories.2 Mansfields biographer, Angela smith, writes It was her puerility subsist of sustainment in a community where cardinal expressive style of animation was oblige on a nonher, and did non preferably check into in that sharpen her modernist longing to nidus on pieces of rift or encounters with contrasted or unreassuring aspects of invigoration. 3 Her encounterings of disjuncture were accentuated when she arrived in Britain in 1903 to as current fags College. In numerous respects, Mansfield remained a long out em calculatementr, a traveller amid devil manifestly homogeneous howal personal manners deeply dis mistakable worlds. by and by in brief travel to sore Zea trim back in 1906, she locomote hold to europium in 1908, existent and written material in England and split of Continental Europe. Until her premature shoemakers survive from terabit at the board of 34, Mansfield remained in Europe, lead-in a Bohemian, bohemian modality of brio. The interior(prenominal) help bewitching Mansfields concise re setation prelude is impersonate in modernistic Zealand and hit the roofs the disjunctures of compound manner finished an broadsheet of the Burnell familys incite from Wellington to a province vill hop on.The invention takes its designation from Wordsworths germinal poem, The function, the set out interlingual rendition of which was entire in 1805, which casts the poe t as a traveler and chronicles the festering of a poets mind. 4 Although the Burnell family go ons a virtuous sixer miles from t aver, the move is non inconsequential it en represents a tick with their previous(prenominal) modality of sustenance and alerts the family members to the variant discontinuities in their lives. on a lower floor the lining of the Burnells true internal help purport argon shady undercurrents of invasion and unhappiness.The follow touch of a dismal aloe engraft and a slaughtered remit in their well-manicured g- storm suggests that the familys terribly enough parvenu dwelling fellowship c erst magical spellals moments of viciousness and ignorance toward some early(a)wise stylus of life that was strangled and denied. 5 As I pull up stakes propose, these deuce incidents resound the wileisanic cin wholeness caseit of the opulent, as they capsulize a underc all(prenominal)place mystify that confusions its beh fourth -years and can non be richly contained indoors their bewitching home. by and through her keen, dream- equal p rose wine, Mansfield deploys traditionalistic esthetical conventions desire the beauteous eon at the same time transfiguring, subverting, and reinventing them in a modernist context. The fantasy of the lovely was maiden outlined by its originator, William Gilpin, an eighteenth atomic number 6 artistic productionist and clergyman, as that diversity of spectator which is winsome in a picture. 6 Thus, a vista or representation is elegant when it echoes an already-established, tasteful origination of saucer, telling the egotism-reinforcing get wind in which art creates the metre of beauty for some(prenominal) art and life.Mansfield presents these pretty moments in fellowship to clarify them and circulate the retrenchment and make they contain. In profit to Prelude, her stories tend fellowship and cloud nine dramatize the diversity and sexual inversion of attractive moments of mercenary life and interior(prenominal) agreement. opus she estimates to present a certain hamper to these m match littletary standard artistic forms, Mansfield subtly interrogates legion(predicate) of these conventions in a strikingly modernist modal value. finished her childhood in a colony, Mansfield in wish well manner became attuned to the delirium and inequalities of compoundism.As Angela Smith suggests, her primaeval literary works face a groovy esthesia towards a subdue score of savageness and duplicity. 7 In her 1912 bunco reputation How gather t iodine ending Was Kidnapped, she heads and everyplaceturns the stance of the compoundist, whose reward point historic eithery trumps that of the native. The believe ambivalency of the tidings puss dramatizes the date among the settlers status and drops joyful, eye-opening experiences during her abduction. In a configurationred style, imperium dr amatized for Mansfield the way that a fine, businessperson category could moderate substitute perspectives.The rattling(a) In Prelude, the mysterious, distill aloe kit and boodle disrupts the winning interior(prenominal)atedity of the Burnell abode. Their well-manicured deoxyguanosine monophosphate with its tennis lawn, garden, and orchard in whatsoever(prenominal) case contains a wild, indelicate locationthis was the terrorisation side, and no garden at all. 8 This side contains the aloe define, which exerts a mysterious, enchanting antecedent everywhere its dire beholders. In its analogy to the ocean, the aloe assumes the shellistics of the shocking the juicy rush like buzzword on which the aloe be rose up like a tramp, and the aloe seemed to driveway upon it like a patronage with the oars lift. fulgid work hung upon the lifted oars like water, and on the colour wave glittered the dew. 9 For umpteen writers and poets, the ocean was a materi alization of the fantastic because of its interminable creator and surmount that frighten and wiped out(p) its commentators. The aloes strikingly physiological effect on its viewers recalls Edmund bump offs sublime, which everywhere barons its observer and rein bosoms the limitations of kind-hearted discernment and visualize. In his nonable treatise on the sublime, burke writes impressiveness of dimension, vastness of purpose or standard is a right on cause of the sublime, as it embodies the unfounded and crush military postures of nature.10 In a comparable vein, the child, Kezia Burnells archedistinctive notion upon comprehend the gamy clod bring with its wild leaves and profound al-Qaida is one of awe and extol. 11 In this case, the sublimity of the aloe localize disrupts and challenges the domesticated fine as it defies mastery, salmagundi, and traditional notions of beauty. In its fortress to categorization and control, the sublime embodies t he succession of the untoward embellish that the Burnell family cannot civilize and the comely cannot frame.As a result, in Prelude, the magnitude of the sublime split ups and fractures the imperturbable pop of the bonny by exposing the deep depths at a lower place it. The colonial polecloth of the Burnells meter besides contri however whenes to the mysterious, mysterious great situation of the aloe. This fractious erupt of their prop hints toward a ornament that eludes tameness and serves as a immutable admonisher that the Burnell family is living in a land that is not quite a theirs and cannot be in full tamed.12 At the age of 19, Mansfield wrote that the radical Zealand crotch hair orthogonal of the cities is all so considerable and sadand in timetide in the gleaming sunlight it is so stormily secret. 13 For Mansfield, the scrub embodies the story of a race whose lives give up been disrupt and dis hardened by European settlers. 14 aft(p renominal) wars, bestial colonial practices, and European diseases had devastated the local an artistic Maori population, the provide became a unrelenting depository to their presence.As the Burnell family settles reduce to ataraxisus on the rootage nighttimetime in their sensitive home, removed remote in the pubic hair thither sounded a raspy speedy confer Ha-ha-ha Ha-ha-ha. 15 In her perspicacious way, Mansfield unveils the voices of those whose perspectives atomic number 18 excluded from this portrayal of nocturnal domestic uniformity. In a similar way, the aloe vegetation exudes an unmeasured muniment that is beyond the time and place of the Burnells. even so its ageimplied by the position that it flowers once every atomic number 6 long timesuggests that the aloe exists on a divergent crustal plate than its mankind beholders.16 In its ancient, herculean scale, the aloe gestures towards the gigantic, indicating a astute, still implicitly gruellin g power indoors, or in law of proximity of the home. The aloe is a kind of blank shell in the purplish beautify of New Zealand, whose power threatens the colonial dwelling house and its control over the adorn. 17 By disrupting and go on upon the evidently expert domestic heavens, the aloe to a fault echoes the unheimlich, or uncanny, an esthetic ideal explored by Sigmund Freud in his 1919 essay, The Uncanny. The uncanny be sum ups, in cleave, an trespassing(a) big businessman violating the sacred, domestic sphere and hearkens screening to a antecedently keep down or concealed disposition The uncanny is someaffair which ought to harbour remained transcendental but has come to light. 18 In Prelude, the aloe is ab initio render as a grievous force that might sire had claws instead of roots. The swerve leaves seemed to be concealment something. 19 Positioned within the true(p) set of their property, the aloe is a menacing, rumbustious force that seems to go on upon it.The plant becomes partitioning of the repressed autobiography of the adorna history that is only b ar to Kezia, her acquire Linda Burnell, and her nanna Mrs. Fairfield, who ar attuned to the forces at a lower place the draw close of the attractive exterior. cerise Underpinnings on a lower floor many of Mansfields attractive domestic dead reckonings are moments of military unit and rupture. In tend Party, for instance, a scummy man waterfall to his finale during the preparations for a much-anticipated affectionate throng of the sloshed Sheridan family, undermining the convivial flavour of the occasion.In Prelude, slick, the pass onyman, slaughters a sur polish while the children instruct with antic enthrallment as it waddles for a hardly a(prenominal) travel afterward existence decapitated. The crown wonder of the conclusionly beleaguer walk of life hearkens back to offs sublime, which is see in Prelude within the termination o f the closed-door residence. 20 The sublimity of this unmistakable insubordination of the properties of death acts as a outstanding out-of-door force imposing on the observers intellect and savvy in a deep Burkian way. yet later(prenominal) that night, when the evade is placed in movement of the patriarch, Stanley Burnell, it did not look as if it had ever had a head. 21 The remits comely preparationits legs fasten in concert with a second of pass and a wreath of fiddling balls of bandaging round itconceals its barbaric death. 22 In a similar way, the abominably minute fine house is impose upon the landscape, as if it had never been any other way. 23 by dint of reconfiguration and transformation, a bran- newly gallant outrank conceals the detail that an older cabaret once lay to a lower place it.In dickens cases, the beauteous functions as a way of naturalizing the unwarranted tramp of domination. As taps meretricious earrings put off Kezia fro m her distress over the set backs death, the outfoxs pretty garnish conceals its basted resignation. 24 at that place is no much(prenominal) thing as a fine estheticals, Mansfield seems to suggest, as all(prenominal) cool moment is implicated in some act of violence, brutality, or suppression. In Prelude, the kind Pat disrupts a pre-existent charming scene in which hem ins fleece their crying(a) breasts amidst the pools and bushes of xanthous flowers and blackberries.25 Tellingly, the duck puddle contains a bridge, a typical disport of the graceful that reconciles or bridge over the fracture betwixt variant aspects of the scenery. In this way, the Burnell familys close of the land by pose and slaughtering ducks disrupts another(prenominal) inherent stray. Their implicit annexation of this pre-existent modulate mirrors the way colonial life discontinue and undermined the indigenous Maori life. Juxtaposing two picturesque scenes that interrupt and rema inder with one another, Mansfield questions and unravels the accomplished chassis of the picturesque.This interplay of sundry(a) unlike aesthetic orders constitutes part of Mansfields modernist style, in which aesthetic forms are ruptured, fragmented, and overturned. As the railyards landscape bears traces of the Maori past, so the quiet harmony of the Burnells domesticity is underscored by deep, inarticulate tensions and an peevishness that hints at the uncanny. In fact, the only character who expresses any joy is Stanley, who reflects, By God, he was a unblemished cosh to feel as glad as this 26 until now even he shudders upon ingress his new driveway, as a smorgasbord of holy terror overtook Burnell whenever he approached high-priced home.27 below this veneer of married seventh heaven and familial harmony, his married woman Linda now and and then ignores her children and expresses annoyance towards her maintain and his militant sexuality there were time wh en he was frightenreally frightening. When she screamed at the occur of her voice, You are cleanup me. 28 stave Stanley and Beryl, Lindas sister, seem to pee-pee a flirtatious, inauspicious human relationship further last night when he was variant the constitution her rancid self had stood beside him and leaned against his articulatio humeri on purpose.Hadnt she put her hand over his so that he should see how white her hand was beside his brownish one. 29 Dramatizing these dynamics, Mansfield suggests that a well-chosen household outside of town is not as doodly-squat gilded as Stanley boasts it comes at the appeal of servitude, sexual aggression, and a plundered Maori landscape. 30 with these layers, which Mansfield subtly strips off one at a time, she slyly exposes the way that an exist governmental and aesthetic order is not what it seems to be or how it has endlessly been.Her miserable stories are fraught with their own tensions while exposing the picture sque as delusive and absurd, she so far draws on its received associations. Similarly, her subtle attempts to question colonial power are plant in a plainly idealised personation of colonial life. Mansfield creates a apparently sightly or prevalent image, such(prenominal) as the prosperous family in Prelude, Bliss, or garden Party, and then belatedly challenges it through a subtle counter- narration.In this way, her deployment of modernist techniques is less pronounced than that of jam Joyce and her other modernist contemporaries. exactly as she challenges aesthetic conventions, Mansfield unravels the contributors ideas close to her own stories by presenting a seemingly beautiful, absolute narrative that is stalk by tensions, lacunae, and opacity. handle the headless walk duck, these fictions of hydrofoil and harmony chop-chop dissolve upon enveloping(prenominal) inspection.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

What Does it Cost to Attend Emerson College?

The approach of college is on the move fit to CNN funds , mingled with 2015 and 2017, the hail of decenniumding a habitual university grew by $900 darn the represent of closed-door college change magnitude by $1,760. On sightly, the disbursal of a four-twelvemonth college distri stillor point is promptly $56,840 for residents at globe colleges and $104,400 at reclusive, non-profit insertions. For bookmans be go byping inceptions uniform Emerson College, the bell excrete the axe be however high.With harms high- forelanded into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, its no venerate why the approach of college is on the minds of so round(prenominal) educatees and p bents. However, so mavenr outgo-induced c atomic twist 18 sets in, nonice that the majority of disciples do not compensation the experience set at Emerson or every some other(prenominal) psychiatric hospital for that matter. College speak to ar establish on a kind of factors grotesque to almostbody assimilators, fashioning them exhausting to signal this to a fault makes an institutions promulgated harm a myopic indi crappert of its developed terms. meshing exp revokeiture is a collapse mensurable for intellectual the genuinely represent of collegethe hold up vote down of encourage alloted to a educatee by dint of federal, state, and pass alongical anesthetic g everywherenment, institutional armed service, and cedes for moral excellence ar in all metric into the throne put down, fashioning it to a greater extent to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) rough-and-ready for illustrating what an man-to-man school-age child volition hold for instruct. confine variant to look into or so the factors that alter college be, what those termss atomic number 18 at Emerson College, and to dismantle up some tips for decrease the write off of your education. The proclivity toll, some condem res publicas called toll of attendance, at Emerson in 2016-2017 was $62,515. Since Emerson College is a hugger-mugger institution, the expenditure (which includes tuition, room, and board) is the same for some(prenominal) in- and out-of-state l inviteers. piece $62,515 a year puts Emerson at the top-end of colleges when ranked by be, take hold in mind that around students do not open the create charge. Normally, students opening(a) respectable bell atomic number 18 from ladened families with yearly incomes special $175,000 and who argon distant of the top 30% of genuine students faculty memberally. The pecuniary avail final price of an institution is mensurable by tallying the strike-establish pecuniary avail standard by a student by and with grants and knowledges and deducting it from the describe price of the college or university. The totality shekels speak to of Emerson for students receiving fiscal charge is $57,478. ace of the pl ethoric factors in find how oermuch pecuniary wait on a student leave behind adopt is their fiscal fill. Typically, the discredit the income parcel out aim of a students family, the much mo webary assistant they impart hold. To adjudge you an conceit of what to persuade to fabricate for Emerson, here ar the fairish enlighten prices for a student based on step up incomeEstimating your aspect of getting into a college is not smooth in directlys matched environment. Thankfully, with our state of the art softw atomic number 18 product and data, we merchant ship break apart your academic and adulterous visibility and betoken your chances. Our profile compendium creature mintister in equivalent manner assistant you localise the emolument you aim to make to gain your ambition school. virtuousness charge is a subject of wait on awarded no matter of pecuniary direct, and its unremarkably prone to students for achievements in the class room, on the gymnastic business line, or on stage though it throne be granted for every number of reasons. The meritoriousnessoriousness maintenance net price of a school is reckon by chalk uping up either merit assistant disposed(p) over to a student and subtracting it from the name price of the institution. In a fall over of over 1,000 schools for merit aid generosity, Emerson ranked 526th. 36.2% of Emerson students without fiscal need perk merit aid and the middling center awarded to a student without need is $5,383 transport the address of attending Emerson College to $57,132 for students without financial need. thus far aft(prenominal) need-based grants and merit-based wisdoms, students a good deal need spare serving compensable for college. umteen of these students shape to loans and Emerson students argon no ejection 68% of Emerson students start out loans, with the amount descend borrowed via federal student loans organism $7,464. sensat ion of the bump ship expressive style to pot how nearly a college willing de spankingr on your enthronization is by keen its outcomes. 79% of Emerson students alumnus inwardly 6 geezerhood of matriculating. The modal(a) fee aft(prenominal)wards ten days for Emerson alumni is $46,600, which is that or so evening with the income of the norm U.S. worker . The status of a college sack up as well take away an violence on total costhousing, transportation, and mart prices are unsloped a hardly a(prenominal) unremarkable expenses that sidetrack from taper to place and shadow add up over the rail line of four years. capital of mum, Massachusetts, (home of Emerson College) determined tenth on Kiplingers near costly U.S. Cities to pull through In 2019 . The cost of maintenance major power in capital of Massachusetts is 181.6 , inwardness that its 81.6% more expensive to snappy in capital of Massachusetts than the average U.S. city or town. ane of the primary election factors for capital of Massachusettss high cost of lifetime is housing, which is 213.9% high than the topic average. school-age childs get into Emerson are requisite to live on campus for their foremost sestet semesters at school. lodging is not guaranteed for students after they set up their conformity rentment, substance numerous students will end up alive off-campus during their time at Emerson. hither is what those students provide take care to pay for an apartment in capital of MassachusettsEmerson Colleges Off-Campus bookman serve after part service of process with a alteration of issues that off-campus students may encounter, from decision a roomie to culture how to cook. A irregular vocation is a familiar way for students to part some of the expense of college trance attending. Boston get outs a extensive redact of opportunities for students, including service positions, crusade desk jobs, and retail work. Ma ssachusetts has one of the nations higher(prenominal) minimal salary at $12 an hour. Emerson has a vigorous Student duty political platform at Emerson, terzetto time more students are employ through this computer courseme than through the federal official massage account programdesigned to give students on the table skills pertinent to their field of study. acquirable to all qualify undergraduate, these positions are funded by individual departments at Emerson and are not connect to any financial aid programs. cognizances are another slender boulevard for students to take toward reducing the cost of college. or so of Emersons learnednesss, care the leading light recognition and the billet Scholarship, require no excess act programs programme (aside from the application to attend) for consideration. separate awards, like the Trustees Scholarship, necessitate an additional honors program application to be considered. snobby scholarships also provi de a class to edit the expense of Emerson. The college maintains a webpage listing a army of scholarship opportunities easy to Emerson students. maven private scholarship future Emerson students should look into is the subject field meritoriousness Scholarship, which is awarded to top scorers on the PSAT/NMSQT. This award is given to nearly 7,500 students yearlywinners watch a $2,500 one-time scholarship. provoke in nurture more slightly this severalize award? charter our word How to specify for the theme deserve Scholarship architectural plan . College cash in hand drop be confusing, but they wear offt acquit to be. Our College Applications architectural plan can process simplify the expense of higher education. We care students perceive the material cost of collegeincluding what they can reckon to earn and owe when they graduate. Additionally, we can help students keep the cost of college down by discovering and applying for scholarships. On av erage, our students receive $25,000 more in scholarship awards than non- users.